Where quality lies at the core

Using Tiny Tals is as simple as 1-2-3: select your baby's favorite purees, place an order, and have them conveniently delivered to your doorstep.


Nourish Your Little Ones with Wholesome Baby Foods

At Tiny Tals, we understand that education is key to making informed decisions about your baby's nutrition. That's why we are dedicated to providing you with delicious and wholesome baby purees and broths. We believe that good food doesn't have to be difficult, and we prioritize using organic, non-GMO produce and grass-fed, pasture-raised meat in our recipes. Say goodbye to additives and preservatives, as our meals are gluten, and soy free. We believe that by nourishing your babies from the inside, they will be happy and healthy on the outside. Join us in providing the best possible nutrition for your little ones.

Quality and Convenience Combined

we never compromise on the quality of your child's food. Our baby purees can be creatively used with toddlers and older children, adding a nutritious twist to their meals. With our freshly made, nutrient-rich meals, you can provide your child with top-quality ingredients without sacrificing convenience. Experience the joy of nourishing your child with ease and ensuring their well-being. Trust Tiny Tals to deliver the perfect combination of quality and convenience for your family's needs.


Simone Akturk

Founder. Head cook. Mumma of 2. Baby Nutrition consultant in training.

By the time I had my first, I was already well-versed in the benefits of fresh, organic foods and a healthy diet, so I always made a conscious effort to make sure that she didn’t have too much sugar, or too much salt. But still I found that she was never truly satisfied, and always struggled with gut issues and constipation.

So, when my second came along, I decided to do things differently. I got educated, really focused on nutrition and prioritised making healthy, balanced meals. The difference has been incredible. Better gut health, less constipation, more sleep and a happier, healthier bub.

But when I wanted something a little more convenient, I struggled to find anything that fit the bill. I realised that most of the pre-made baby foods available are highly processed and have a lot of added nasties. Even those that were branded as ‘organic’, have gone through an ultra high heat pasteurization process that basically rids the food of all the important nutrients that help bub thrive.

That’s how I knew I had to create something new.

To change the way we do pre-packaged baby foods.

I wanted to create something that didn’t just slap the word ‘organic’ on the label, but rather was genuinely a great, healthy, wholesome, balanced meal. Nutrient dense.

Because I truly believe that as a parent, you should be able to spend less time in the kitchen, and more time with your littles.

And do so knowing that you are feeding your little one the nutrients they need totruly thrive.
